Having a serviceable air conditioning system is imperative for keeping your home cool and comfortable when the temperatures during summers. However, refrigerant leaks can leave you hot and clammy while also increasing your energy bills.
To help correct the situation, we have come up with five ways to check for refrigerant leaks before you are left without an AC.
1. Dye Detection
A dye test can be an efficient way to check if you have a refrigerant leak in the air conditioning system. The process requires the excretion of fluorescent dye into your HVAC system. After that, give it time to circulate through the system. The dye will spill out of any leaks present in the system.
Now, scan the HVAC system using a detection lamp to identify areas where the dye has leaked. This whole process takes only a few minutes to complete. However, you do need to invest in special equipment.
2. Electronic Detection
Electronic detection is also another way of figuring out any leaks in your AC. The method is straightforward, letting you scan refrigeration parts outside your home. Whenever the electronic device uncovers a leak, an automatic alarm goes off.
The only negative of using the electronic device is that leaks can be detected only in areas where the device meets the refrigerant components. These electronic devices can also be a bit overpriced and may require a little training to use properly.
3. Nitrogen Detection
Among the ways of checking for leak detection, nitrogen detection is quite famous between professionals and homeowners. The cost associated with this method might be more than other methods, but the results are much more reliable.
The first step of leak detection using this method is to remove any Freon leftover in your system. After this, you need to pump nitrogen into the AC unit. If there are leaks present in your system, you will hear audible sounds wherever the leaks are. Another way to mark the leaks is to monitor the gauges for pressure changes. If you see the pressure changing significantly over any component in your AC, you’ll know there is a leak present.
4. Soap Bubble Detection
One of the best ways to check for refrigerant leaks without taking professional help is to conduct a soap bubble test. The test is straightforward to carry out on your own. Just mix warm water with some soap and stir the mix for a few minutes.
After stirring the solution, let it flow through your AC’s refrigerant system. If there are any leaks in any of the components, air bubbles will pop out from that area. Make sure not to add any corrosive ingredients to the bubble mix to avoid damage to the refrigerant system.
5. Oil Detection
In some cases, a refrigerant leak in your AC will also discharge oil. Oil is thick and dark-colored, which makes it easily detectable. Moreover, oil carries a strong smell that is easily perceivable from long distances.
If you are suspicious about a leak, start examining AC parts with your hands. However, make sure you have gloves on to avoid getting your hands filthy or receiving any cuts or nicks from a sharp object.
As you move along your AC checking for refrigerant leaks, keep inspecting your gloves to see any signs of oil leaks. If a component is discharging a lot of oil, there’s a strong likelihood that there is a leak that requires repairs. You can also use a light-colored cloth in case you don’t have gloves when inspecting your AC system.
If you happen to live in or around Brandon city, call AirSouth Cooling and Heating for AC repair in Brandon, MS. Our professionals will diagnose and correct any leaks with your refrigerant system in no time.