Does Your AC Need Repairs? Here are a Few Signs!

April 20th, 2020

air-conditioner-and-cashHere’s the deal: summer is ALMOST here, and odds are that you are going to be needing your air conditioner sooner than later. Therefore, you want to make sure that your system is totally equipped for the summer ahead, and to do that you’ll need to take care of any outstanding repairs!

There are a number of signs that suggest your air conditioner is need of repair, and below, we have outlined some of these signs for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more, and yes, remember to call us when you need AC repair in Brandon, MS.

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You Might Need a Bit More Than a Tune-Up This Year!

April 6th, 2020

ac-technicianIf you’ve already scheduled your air conditioning maintenance services this year, then great! Maintenance is key to ensuring the long and successful service life of your system! However, it’s been quite a long time since last summer, and all this sitting around means that your air conditioner might need a tad more than a tune-up… That’s right, we are talking about repairs.

There are a number of common springtime repairs that you may find your system needs, so below, we have outlined a few of them for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more! Oh, and of course, remember to call us when you need air conditioning services in Brandon, MS. 

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What Are My Air Conditioning Options?

March 23rd, 2020

air-conditioning-optionsWe totally get it — finding the perfect air conditioner for your home can be quite overwhelming. There are just SO MANY options out there, so how do you even begin to narrow it down?

Well, for one, you should always call in a professional HVAC provider for help. And two, you should read this blog! Below, we have outlined three of the most popular types of residential air conditioning systems, that way, you can get a bit of a head start!

So, what are you waiting for? Keep reading and remember to call our team when you need AC installation in Jackson, MS!

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Let’s Get That AC Tuned Up for Spring!

March 9th, 2020

time-for-serviceSpring is just around the corner, and you know what that means? It means we are one step closer to summer! Of course, the thought of warm weather is plenty exciting, but in order for you to enjoy it, you are going to want to ensure that your air conditioner is ready to go!

Annual maintenance is the best way to get the most out of your air conditioner, so we recommend scheduling it now. In fact, there are plenty of reasons to schedule your AC maintenance now and below, we have listed some of them for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more, and of course, remember to call us for your Hattiesburg air conditioning services.

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What’s the Deal with HRVs and ERVs?

February 24th, 2020

blue-question-markIt is rainy and cold out and you’re all bundled up with the heater going strong. Of all the things you could do right now, would you open a window?

The answer is probably a resounding, “No!”

You likely don’t want to go hang around outside either. And yet, how else are you going to fulfill that craving you have been feeling for fresh air lately?

What if we told you that there was an air system that you could install in your home that would provide you with fresh air without negatively affecting your comfort? It might sound too good to be true but we promise it is a real thing!

This is exactly what Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRVs) and Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs) do! Let’s talk a little bit more about what these systems can do for your home.

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That “Ghost” in Your House Might Just Be Your Furnace!

February 10th, 2020

We’ve all seen the scary movies — sitting home alone and hearing an ominous coming from somewhere in your house is just about the worst thing in the world! But, what if we told you that instead of calling the Ghostbusters, you gave your old pals over at AirSouth Cooling and Heating a call?

See, those ghostly noises you’re hearing might just be coming from your furnace! In fact, there are plenty of sounds that your furnace might make that you don’t quite want it to make, and below, we have outlined some of them for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more (and, when you know you need repairs, remember to call our team when you need furnace repairs in Brandon.)

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Need Help Choosing a Furnace or Heat Pump? Read This!

January 27th, 2020

blue-question-markWe totally understand that choosing which heating system to install in your home can be a bit overwhelming — there are just so many great systems out there! Of course, two of our favorites are the furnace and the heat pump because they each offer a number of awesome benefits.

Because furnaces and heat pumps are equally as awesome, it can be rather difficult to determine which is best for your home. But, don’t worry! Our team is here to help make things a bit easier. Below, we have outlined the unique benefits of each system, that way, you can choose which sounds best to you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more (and yes, remember to schedule your heating services in Brandon, MS with our team.)

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Some Of Our Favorite Ways to Keep Your Home Extra Warm This Winter

January 13th, 2020

keeping-warm-in-winterBrrr! It’s quite cold outside, and the last thing you need is your furnace working on overdrive to keep you and your family warm! See, when your furnace has to work harder to do its job, it can end up costing you quite a large chunk of change. Therefore, you want to do everything you can to make sure that your furnace is as efficient as possible!

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to do just that, and below, we have listed some of them for you! All you have to do is keep reading below to find out more (and yes, as always, remember to contact our team when you need an expert HVAC contractor in Jackson, MS!)

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Why Isn’t My Heat Pump Heating?!

December 30th, 2019

guy-mad-at-acHeat pumps are great for keeping your home cool and comfortable during the summer, but of course, in the winter, you expect that it is going to keep you and your family warm and toasty! So, what happens when your heat pump isn’t providing you with the heat you need?

There are a number of reasons why your heat pump might not be providing you with adequate warmth, and below, we have outlined some of these reasons for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more (oh, and of course, remember to call our team when you need a Hattiesburg, MS HVAC contractor.)

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Does Your Furnace Need Repairs?

December 16th, 2019

HVAC-technician-with-toolsBoy, is it cold out there! Temperatures are surely dropping, so of course, you depend on your furnace to keep your home warm and toasty! But, what happens when there’s an issue? It can definitely start to feel like the end of the world!

Do not fear! When you’ve got a team like ours to handle your heating system repairs in Hattiesburg, MS, things will be back to normal in no time! In the meantime, keep reading below. We have listed just some of the signs that suggest your furnace is in trouble. 

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