Pros and Cons of Tankless Water Heaters

February 20th, 2023

Most new homes come with tankless water heaters as the default, but why is this? Are they really that energy efficient?

Well, nothing is perfect sunshine and rainbows. While tankless water heaters do appear to be the future, there are specific use cases where they don’t do everything that they want you to do.

It comes down to this: if you need a new water heater in Jackson, MS, you should know what works best for you. If these pros and cons don’t add up for your specific use, you can still opt for a storage tank water heater.

Let’s walk you through the benefits and setbacks of tankless before you make a final decision.

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The Energy Efficient Benefits of Gas Furnaces

February 6th, 2023

Gas furnaces have become the devil of every eco-friendly blog in the last 10 years. It’s not as clean for the planet as electricity, but even electricity doesn’t come from perfectly clean sources.

The truth is that when it comes to furnaces, while electric is more energy efficient, it’s not cheaper for you, the homeowner. Let’s explain why you might want to install a gas furnace in Madison, MS even if you’re environmentally-conscious.

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What to Expect During a Furnace Repair Service Appointment

January 23rd, 2023

Your furnace is on the fritz. You don’t know what the problem is, but you’re sure it’s something below the surface that you can’t fix on your own. You finally call for repair, and now you’re left in limbo.

What do you expect from furnace service in Hattiesburg, MS? What does that visit look like, and what will the technician do? Don’t let your mind race. We’ll go over what you can expect and what this repair call will achieve.

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Are Electric Furnaces the Most Energy Efficient Option?

January 9th, 2023

Electric furnaces aren’t exactly a new concept, yet they exist in the same world as gas furnaces. So what’s the deal? Is an electric furnace really more efficient, or is there a good reason that gas furnaces haven’t fizzled out yet? 

If you want an electric furnace in Pearl, MS, there are a few things you should know first. We’ll talk about reliability, the average cost to operate, and break down the energy efficiency of electric furnaces (in a nutshell).

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How Do I Know if I Need Furnace Repair?

December 26th, 2022

Your furnace endures a lot of wear and tear throughout the year. We always turn our furnaces on when we need them most, and the sweet relief of heat clouds our ability to identify when there’s a problem.

Finding out that you need furnace repair in Jackson, MS should never come immediately after your unit breaks down. System failures lead to more extensive repairs, and if there’s currently a damaged component in your furnace, failing to service it could cause damage to other working parts.

This is how you can tell if your furnace is in dire need of repair.

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How Heating Maintenance Saves You Money

December 12th, 2022

The less money you spend on your home systems, the better. Nobody wants to see more bills come across their desk, which is exactly why maintenance services should be a top priority in your budgeting.

Heating maintenance in Brandon, MS still costs something, of course, but compared to the price of completely repairing your heating system, the difference can be marginal at best. This is what you need to know about how maintenance saves you m oney on your heating system.

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Are You Looking To Invest In Better Home Security

November 28th, 2022
Smart lock and bolt system for home use.

Everyone wants to feel safe at night, but with over 2.5 million burglaries in the US every year, it’s hard to sleep at night wondering if your home is the next target. Americans are investing in home security systems at an alarming rate, and for good reason. If you’re seriously considering an upgrade with home security systems in Jackson, MS, this is what you need to know.

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How to Tell You’d Benefit From Duct Cleaning

November 14th, 2022
Duct being opened up by technician.

Without your ducts, your HVAC system would be at a loss. They’re important, which is why they also deserve some attention when your usual maintenance appointment comes around. Duct cleaning comes with its own benefits, but it’s not a practice you need to put into place every year like you do with HVAC maintenance.

In fact, duct cleaning in Hattiesburg, MS only needs to be done once every three to five years on average. It’s helpful for your air quality and acts as an inspection point for your HVAC technician. Here’s what you need to know about duct cleaning and if you would benefit from it.

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Don’t Face Halloween In the Dark

October 17th, 2022

Lights shining in front of a home on a dark Halloween night.

Halloween is fast approaching. Is your house the dark one on your street that always looks like it’s vacant? Installing new outdoor lights can liven up your space, make your home more appealing during Halloween, and prevent pranksters from targeting your home. If that sounds good, you may need an electrician in Laurel, MS to bring your home to life this Halloween.

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The Benefits of Scheduling Heater Maintenance Every Year

October 3rd, 2022

green-homeYour heater is an essential system in your house because it keeps you and your family warm, cozy, and safe. Maintaining it should, therefore, be one of your top priorities.

Read on to find out when and why you should get a tune-up for your heater and the benefits of scheduled heater maintenance in Jackson, MS.

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