The Importance of Good Electrical Work

November 15th, 2021

There is a time and place for DIY work–electrical work isn’t one of them. While we understand the inclination to try Do-it-Yourself activites to save money and try new things, we’d advise reserving these activites for creating blankets for family members or gardening beds for the yard. Electrical work on your home’s systems should be left to a professional electrician in Jackson, MS.

You may be wondering why we advise avoiding DIY electrical work. Yes, we are the professionals that you can turn to for your professional services but that isn’t the only reason that we say this. When it comes to working on your electrical system, it is vital to work with a professional because it can make a big difference for your safety and your system efficiency.

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Get Ready for the Family With Better Air Quality

November 1st, 2021

Are you looking forward to the holiday season? If so, then you may already be preparing for guests and good food. There are plenty of ways to prepare for having a couple of loved ones over or a bunch of them. But don’t let setting up your favorite decorations make you forget the other aspect that can really impact that family visit–your indoor air quality!

If you have poor air quality, then it can make it incredibly hard to keep your home comfortable, even with a good heater. One great way to improve your indoor air quality this season is to have a professional check out your ductwork for built-up debris. While this system may be out of sight, its ability to impact your comfort should keep it on your mind!

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Flickering Lights Aren’t Normal; We Can Get Them Fixed

October 18th, 2021

Have you ever walked into a room or down a hallway and discovered your lights flickering when you turn them on? Having this happen once can catch you off guard but if it is a repeated issue then it may mean it is time to call in a professional electrician in Hattiesburg, MS.

We know that seeing flickering lights might seem on-trend with the spooky season but we advise against delaying repairs. The sooner you get an electrician to check things out, the better it will be. After all, you don’t want to let your electrical system deteriorate and end up with no lights at all.

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Keep Comfortable With a Ceiling Fan

October 4th, 2021

When a heat wave hits our area, it can be tough to keep cool without breaking the bank. Running your air conditioner more aggressively and for longer amounts of time can end up costing quite a large chunk of money. It may be good news to hear that you can boost your comfort at a far lower cost in a pretty simple way: using a ceiling fan.

Ceiling fans can’t cool the air in your home. However, they can be a great ally in keeping you cool and make things easier on your AC in the process. Let’s talk more about the benefits of a ceiling fan installation in Laurel, MS so you can learn more about whether this is the right option for your home.

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We Can Help You Stay Safe With a Home Security System

September 20th, 2021

How safe do you feel your home is when you go to work or go on vacation? Does leaving your home make you feel nervous that you’ll come back to broken windows and missing belongings? Even if it doesn’t, ensuring that your home is safe and secure is always a good idea. After all, “prevention is the best medicine” doesn’t just apply to physical health!

But how exactly are you supposed to keep an eye on your home when you’re gone? It’s one thing to have good locks on your doors and windows and another thing to be in two places at once. You’ve probably guessed already but we’re not asking you to be in two places at once. We’re asking you to consider the idea of adding a home security system so that you can rest easier when you’re away.

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5 Sounds You Don’t Want an AC to Make

September 6th, 2021

Your air conditioner is never going to be silent when it is operating–this is a simple fact. That said, there are plenty of noises you don’t want to hear coming from your cooling system. Noises are a great indicator of what is going on within your AC system. This means that when you listen to any sounds coming from your cooling system, you may be able to identify any problems that it is encountering.

But why would you want to give your air conditioner a listen? We don’t expect you to sit around to take note of every noise it makes. You would want to listen to any sounds coming from your AC because it is likely going to be paired with other problems such as poor cooling–and that means it is time to schedule an AC repair in Flowood, MS.

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Refrigerant Leaks Are Bad News

August 23rd, 2021

Your system is not supposed to lose refrigerant. This is a plain and simple fact that is often misunderstood. There are plenty of people who think the loss of refrigerant is normal because they think it is used up, similarly to a fuel. This could not be further from the truth. 

Any loss of refrigerant is a sign that you need to schedule air conditioning repair in Jackson, MS with a professional technician. Loss of refrigerant is caused by a leak in your refrigerant line and needs to be found and fixed promptly. If a refirgerant leak isn’t repaired in short order, your system operation will only worsen.

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Is It Time To Replace Your Air Conditioner?

August 9th, 2021

It’s probably the last thing you want to even consider. It is hot out and having an air conditioner that doesn’t work right it one thing but needing to reaplce it is a whole other ballgame! That’s a big chunk of change and a lot of time and energy to take care of.

We get it. We want to help make sure that replacing your air conditioning in Jackson, MS can be as easy as possible. You shouldn’t go through an issue this big on your own. Let us give you some information on what it looks like when your AC is ready to retire so you know when to reach out to us and get the replacement process started.

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Protect Your Home Against Power Surges

July 26th, 2021

Power surges are caused by more than just extreme lightning strike. In fact, you’re going to encounter small power surges almost every single day as the appliances in your home turn on and off. These smaller surges may not seem like much but over time they can start to cause some problems. Even smaller power surges can end up leading to damage to the appliances around your home if there is nothing around to stop or redirect that surge of electricity.

Knowing that your electrical appliances may be at risk can be somewhat stressful. This is why we are glad to be the ones to tell you that there is a way to protect your electrical system from that extra electricity. With the addition of a surge protector to your home, you can avoid the damage caused by electrical surges both small and large.

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3 Reasons Not To Put Off AC Repairs

July 12th, 2021

As the temperatures start getting higher and higher here in Mississippi, everyone will find themselves relying heavily on their air conditioners to keep their homes cool and comfortable. Making sure that your air conditioner is in optimal working condition is essential to ensure that you and your family can get some much-needed relief from the boiling Mississippi sun.

We have a question for you. Is your air conditioning system struggling to keep your home cool? If you are like most homeowners, you might follow the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mentality. However, delaying air conditioner repairs until your air conditioner breaks down might not be inconvenient, but it could also become an expensive affair.

When you notice that your air conditioner is struggling, you should not hesitate to call professionals for air conditioning repair in Hattiesburg, MS.

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